Justiceforgeorgefloyd Com [July 2024] A fight against racism?

Justiceforgeorgefloyd Com article will tell you about the brutality that led to the death of George Floyd. 

2020 may go down in history as the year with the highest number of atrocities occurring within six months. One such incident that shook the world was the death of 46-year-old George Floyd. His death occurred on the 27th of May as a result of police brutality in Minneapolis, United State.

The police were out to arrest a man suspected of forgery; this claim was made by a local store owner. They suspected George Floyd and continued to arrest him and lead him out of the store. 

Justiceforgeorgefloyd Com is a page set up is for making donations for the talented deceased’s family. The page also serves as the front of the Justice for Big Floyd campaign, along with maximizing the impact of the black lives matter movement. 

The cops have been held accountable for leading to the untimely demise of a person popularly known as the Gentle Giant. But is that enough? Signing up for the George Floyd Petition will ensure a fair fight and bring to the light numerous such events that go unnoticed. 

Who is Justiceforgeorgefloyd Com? 

George Floyd was a 46-year-old African American man living in the United State. He was a former bouncer at a local restaurant in Minneapolis and lived alone away from his family. The George Floyd Video has gained millions of views, read further to understand why.

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Key points to note on the murder of George Floyd 

  • African American man killed by a white officer on 27th May 2020
  • The incident took place in Minneapolis, United States. 
  • The arrest was made as the police suspected him of using counter fit bills at a grocery store. 
  • It drew widespread attention as a video taken by a bystander circulated the internet.
  • Supports have started an online petition #JusticeForLoyd campaign to maximize the Black Lives Matter movement’s impact. 

Why does the incident matter to the U.S.A?

Why does the incident matter to the U.S.A

Four officers found pinning a man named George Floyd on the 27th of May 2020. They suspected him of forgery at a local grocery store. The cops made claims of the suspect physically resisting arrest and seemed to be “appearing under the influence.”

Although the security tv footage showed everything otherwise, George Floyd was cooperative and went out with cuffs around his hands willingly. 

A video shows an officer kneeling on Floyd’s neck, which seems to be lying on the road. In the video, you can see that the cop did not move from his position for nearly 7 minutes.

He also seems to be ignoring the cries of bystanders and cries of Floyd, who kept saying that he cannot breathe. 

As per the reason for his death remains unknown. Many amongst the community believe he was a victim of racial profiling. This is also not the first episode of the unjust treatment of people belonging to the African American community. 

Personal life of George Floyd

He was commonly known as the gentle giant as he was 6’7 ft tall and was the happiest person who would always have your back. He graduated from the school in 1993 and was a football player. 

A resident of Houston’s third ward area had moved to Minneapolis in search of better opportunities about five years ago. There he started to work as a bouncer at a bistro and was very famous with the regulars. 

Public views on the incident

His death has put the world in shock as the video clearly shows a man losing his life. He was at the mercy of somebody who is supposed to be protecting you. 

The local news reporting giant tells us that the people of Minneapolis have united and rallying against this unjust practice in the streets.

The unrest is still widespread, and the national guard called in to handle the uncontrollable situation. They are out on the streets, even in the current scenario, to demand justice be served.

Numerous celebrities have put up posts talking about it in their lengthy social media posts regarding this. Social media, in general, seems to be a buzz of activity regarding this event. 


After reading the news pieces and statements of the Mayor of Minneapolis, we can conclude that they are still trying to control the situation. The policemen held responsible are terminated from their position.

However, numerous wish for stiffer punishment for the cops. Do you think that would be right? A life for a life?

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