Jasper Emhoff’s  DNC Speech About Aunt Kamala Harris Attracts Huge Public Attention

Jasper Emhoff is the nephew of Kamala Harris, the U.S. Vice President.

Public interest was piqued by his attendance at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) 2024 in Chicago during his support speech for Aunt Harris.

Key Facts

  • Jasper Emhoff gained notoriety as Kamala Harris’s nephew following his participation in DNC 2024. 
  • He works at Stealth Startup and is a University of California graduate.
    Jasper is an AI mechanic with a degree in computer engineering.

Even in her busiest moments, Kamala Harris will find time for the things that are most important, according to Jasper Emhoff’s remarks during the address.

Jasper works for a stealth startup as a machine learning engineer. He began working at Stealth in 2023. In a similar vein, he was a beatmaker and music producer.

Jasper Emhoff  Achieved Honorary Graduation Degree University of California, Berkeley

Jasper Emhoff, lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is the nephew of Kamala Harris. He is a machine learning engineer by profession. Mr. Jasper has become an honorary graduate of the University of California, Berkeley

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Emhoff studied
Emhoff studied

Emhoff studied computer science and graduated with honours in EECS throughout his undergraduate career. Jasper completed his education at Santa Cruz High School in 2019. He presided over the debate and music production clubs in high school.

In the same way, he was producing music and creating beats with his college pals in 2019–20. To promote his music, Jasper has an official Instagram account, jaspertheeghost.
Emhoff began his career as a professional intern in his university’s CS61B data structures course.

Additional Information

  • Andrew Emhoff and Ludy Lee are the parents of Jasper Emhoff. Arden Emhoff is the sister he has. 
  • Arden, Jasper’s sister, is a UCLA Ballet graduate. 
  • Jasper Emhoff’s ancestry is mixed-race. His father is American, while his mother is of East Asian origin.

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