Fedex Parcel Text Scam (July 2024) Explore the Reality.

Fedex Parcel Text Scam: You explored the reality of a scam running behind the name of a renowned form, to be on the safe side.

Isn’t it strange that you are receiving a text message asking you to confirm your order or for the delivery preferences?

Some of us, especially the United States residents, have experienced the same. Yes, they have received a text message, asking them to click on the link to set their delivery preferences. Some of them have related to the same and directed to a webpage.

Please read this article about FedEx Parcel Text Scam to know where they are directed to.

This article will reveal the scam is running behind the same of a renowned company. Users are receiving a text message with their name mentioned in it.

We have uncovered all the related points below. Scroll down to reveal the same.

What is FedEx?

FedEx is a renowned brand established many years ago. It provides services to its customers at nominal rates. Its services include marketing, information technology, customer services, communications, billing and collection services, back-office tasks, and many other services. They also have their segments extended in the transportation field.

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Recently, the firm was in the news due to the scam running behind it, named as FedEx Parcel Text Scam. Scroll down to get more details about the same.

What is FedEx Parcel Text Scam?

The firm was recently used to con people. There are text messages floated to its users, surprisingly with their names mentioned in them.

The message had a link and instructed to click on the given link to set their delivery preferences.

When clicked on that link, it directed them to the fake amazon listing webpage. It said to answer a few questions in the survey organized by

What is FedEx Parcel Text Scam

When the visitor started with it, they stuck after 2-3 question and asked them to fill their personal details. These details included phone number and credit card number.

This thus revealed about FedEx Parcel Text Scam.

What was police and government reaction towards FedEx Parcel Text Scam?

This scam recently became news and was covered by every website and channels, asking people to stay away from this link.

Police department handled this smartly and digitally. They answered the troll through a tweet, asking the scammer to go to the main website to get the customer’s tracking number for their order.

They also tweeted warning the residents to stay away from FedEx Parcel Text Scam, and should not click to the given link.

Customer Reviews on FedEx Parcel Text Scam:

Customers acted smartly and ignored the messages. Some of them shared that after checking the link, it asked them to fill their personal information, and they tracked it being a scam and ignored the same.

Some even enquired the company about the same. They checked that they had no orders and still receiving the message. They thus got the clarity from the company itself.

Thus, we can say that people reacted smartly and ignored the same.

Final Verdict:

This article about FedEx Parcel Text Scam was just a warning to the people to stay away from such messages. These are scam and might hurt your bank balance badly.

Please share your comments on how you handled the same.

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