maga2020 Com [July 2024] Understand Truth and Decide!

maga2020 Com [July 2024] Understand Truth and Decide! -> This website published news regarding the story of Donald Trump about their political and business life.

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It is quite surprising to see such people who are such incompetence and narcissists. That they do not think about anything beyond themselves, and one such example of such a personality is Donald Trump, who so much succumbed to remain in power that he has no clue what he is doing with his nation. Therefore, maga2020 Com planned to make you aware of all the extortion which this fellow is doing to its country natives in the United States.

Many people claimed that Donald Trump is a failed authoritarian, who never thinks beyond himself. His nature of abusing his powers in his favor and prioritizing over the things that would generate his self-interest motives will only be going to harm in the long run.

Many people claim that the President is only interested in power and that he has nothing to do with society’s welfare.

Who is Donald Trump?

Donald Trump is the 45th current President of the United States. He was born and brought up in Queens. He got his bachelor’s degree in Economics at Wharton’s School.

Trump joined his family business of real estate in 1971 that deals in building or renovating skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, and golf courses. Apart from these, he also started various ventures by using his name. He purchased the Miss Universe Pageant in 1996 and sold it in 2015.

Trump entered the US presidential race in 2016, and he defeated 16 other candidates in the primaries. He became the first oldest first time US president. But he never turned out to be a good president.

He made false claims and gave misleading statements when campaigning to drive the votes into his favor. Not only this, but many of his comments were also based on racism.

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Donald Trump married his wife Melania 12 years ago. And his son’s name is Barron. Besides this, Trump has four adult children named Don Jr, Ivanka, Eric, and Tiffany. Along with ten grandchildren.

As per the facts and figures, Donald Trump has been regarded as one of the most unpopular presidents of America. And perhaps he will continue with this image for many more years. After rating his performances and work to date, we found that he received the lowest ratings so far.

Who is Donald Trump

The critics have said that Trump has failed to perform his duty in a better way. They called him chaotic and dysfunctional. The lack of stability in the White House is the sure-shot proof of his underachievement. On the healthcare front, also, Trump failed to keep up his promise.

What kind of changes he wants to bring up in the United State?

For many years, President Trump pressured Congress to change the US immigration laws as he wants to end the visa loitering system and chain migration system.

According to some reports, Donald Trump is considered to be merciless. Who is boldly giving orders to kill those people who have not committed any crime? Recently we got the news that he fired the investigation officer who was searching for all those involved in corruption.

So the chances are higher than he is indirectly supporting such people who are engaged in malicious activities.

There are a lot of people in the United States who do not want to give him the votes again. Due to his poor performances. And therefore, they might be planning to get rid of him this election.

He also has faced allegations of sexual misconduct as there are a lot of women who suffered molestation. He has been accused of rape violence, bringing kissed, inappropriate touching, looking under the women’s skirt, and walking in on women without clothes.

Later on, he called a press conference at his place he shunned out all the claims and said it was just the conspiracy against him. According to him, he has lots of enemies who are trying to tarnish his image and bring a bad reputation.


Here we have tried to bring out all the points and facts and make you aware of all the things he did so far for his nation. There are lots of youtube channels, social media platforms such as twitter, instagram, Facebook, where people have posted negative reviews for him.

They are not at all happy with his services. And they called him by several names such as looter and snake. If we go by their words, they said that he hardly did any good deed for them as he was always involved in selfish motives.

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